Dead-simple, encrypted, super-fast, temporary file transfer/piping server, for your browser, code and terminal.

Drop a file anywhere one the page to instantly upload, or click this box to browse, or copy and paste a file or text with /Ctrl+V

Upload a file

With curl

curl --upload-file ./file.txt

Once the file is uploaded, the endpoint will return the uploaded file URL.

With a custom filename

curl --upload-file ./file.txt

Encryption with gpg

Files should be encrypted before upload to ensure privacy.

gpg -ac -o- file.txt | curl --data-binary @-

This will prompt for a passphrase before starting the upload, that can then be used to decrypt the file.

Once the file is uploaded, the endpoint will return the uploaded file URL which can then be downloaded and decrypted with gpg, or in the browser if the extension is .pgp

curl | gpg --pinentry-mode loopback -d -o decrypted.txt

With javascript/typescript

fetch('', {
    method: 'PUT',
    body: new File(['<data goes here>'], 'file.txt')

With python

import requests

with open('file.txt', 'rb') as f:
    data =

response = requests.put('', data=data)

Download a file

The file can simply be downloaded with the link returned from the endpoint. The link can be opened in a web browser to download the file, alternatively:

With curl

curl -L > file.txt

With javascript/typescript


With python

import requests

response = requests.get('')
